Current Research Projects

Assessing Consciousness

An individual’s level of consciousness — in other words, their ability to perceive themselves and their environment — is typically assessed by their appropriate response to the environment. What happens when someone is left unable to move or speak as a result of a stroke, a traumatic brain injury, or a neurodegenerative condition? How do we know whether these individuals are conscious? How do we know whether they have the potential to eventually recover consciousness? This research theme in the BIAPT lab aims to address these, and other related questions.

The NET-ICU Project

The NET-ICU Project

Individuals who have suffered a severe brain injury typically need an extensive stay in an intensive care unit (ICU) in order to survive.  In the ICU, critical treatment decisions are made in order to maximize the likelihood of recovering consciousness and cognitive...



Over the past 20 years, improvements in medical life-saving and life-sustaining technologies have created “a new strain of human beings” with minimal to no ability to interact with others.  Caring for such individuals requires expertise from health sciences,...


Biomusic Technology

Biomusic Technology

Biomusic is a novel technology that translates significant changes in physiological signals into musical output.  Biomusic has been shown to increase the sense of presence and personhood of persons who have diverse communicative capacities by enabling others to “tune...

Interpersonal physiological synchrony

Interpersonal physiological synchrony

Photocredit: Chloë Ellingson It is challenging to determine the level of connection within a dyad if one person has minimal ability to move or speak.  Perceiving dynamic levels of interpersonal connection is particularly important for caregivers of non-communicative...


Piece of Mind

Piece of Mind

Photo credit: Naomi Silver-Vézina Traditional research dissemination is passive, hampering its uptake outside specific silos within academia and limiting interaction with the stakeholder community. In this project, we aim to foster meaningful collaboration for the...

Consciousness and Personhood

Consciousness and Personhood

Photo credit: Naomi Silver-Vézina The BIAPT lab is interested in exploring the relationship between consciousness and personhood.  The concepts of person and personhood play pivotal roles in Western medical care and clinical ethics.  The claim to personhood has long...