Number Guessing Game

Ernest Wang & Tudor Barsan

By Tudor and Ernest

Hey everyone,

Ernest and I have been exploring with the M5 stick over the past couple of weeks, and we created a cool number guessing game. There are 10 rounds to the game in which a random number from 1-9 is picked, you then have 1 try to shuffle through the numbers and guess what you think the random number is. At the end, it displays your final score (try to beat my personal best of 5/10!). Try the game out if you’d like and let Ernest or I know if you have any additional ideas or bug fixes. We are open to feedback!

To download our game on your m5stick, download the file labelled “Random Number Guessing Game” and open it in UI Flow. Then click the “download” button in the top right and you should be good to go!
